General Questions
Lunch/Meal Plans
For Summer 2024, we are excited once again to partner with UNC Charlotte Dining Services and Social 704 to offer individual $61.00 weekly meal plans for weeks 1 through 8. This weekly meal plan is optional. Campers may also choose to pack their lunch each day. The deadline to purchase an optional meal plan for your camper is 2 weeks before the start of the week of camp. No refunds will be provided for meal plans.
- A flat price for the Social 704 dining room that averages $12/day.
- Unlimited food and variety – Social 704 boasts four different buffet areas including home-style meals, soup, sandwich, and salad buffet, pizza, desserts, and more.
- The convenience of not having to pack a lunch each day.
- View a Sample Menu of what Social 704 offers!
- Purchasing meals the day of is not available. To eat at the dining hall, a meal plan must be purchased in advance. (The rates are cheaper through the meal plan option.)
Visit this page for more information about the meal plan or contact us at 704-687-8900.
To view our Niner Academy (Rising 9th-12th grade) meal options visit: www.youth.charlottewp.psapp.dev/nineracademy
General Lunch Information
- Campers’ lunch hour will be between 11:30am – 1:00pm (noted on their individual camp agenda)
- Check your camper’s agenda in their Online Resources (login required) for exact times.
Packed Lunch Information
- The camper’s name must be labeled on the lunch box or bag.
- Due to airborne allergies to nut products, Camps on Campus does not permit any food items to be purchased that contain any kind of nut.
- We encourage guardians to pack 1-2 snacks with their camper in addition to lunch (no nut products).
- We won’t be able to refrigerate lunches, so please pack them in a small cooler with an ice pack or frozen water bottle.
Employment and Volunteer Opportunities
I would like to be a Counselor-in-Training. What are my next steps?
Experienced campers age 13-17 and past counselors or CITs who do not meet the new minimum counselor requirements are encouraged to complete a Counselor-in-Training (CIT) application.
I would like to teach a camp or be a camp counselor, how do I apply?
Camp counselors must be at least 18 years of age according to new policies set forth by the university for supervision of minors on campus. In addition, we require that counselors are enrolled college students with significant leadership experience and experience working with children and youth. Any vacancies (counselors or instructors) will be posted through UNC Charlotte Human Resources.
Camp Program Topics
How are campers grouped at Camps on Campus?
Campers are grouped according to rising grade level NOT by camper age. In order to be fair to all our valued campers and parents, we ask all families to honor this policy. Under unique circumstances we will consider an appeal. However, there is no guarantee that your appeal will be granted.
- Cool School: Rising 1st-4th grade
- 49er Minor: Rising 5th-8th grade
To view our Niner Academy (Rising 9th-12th grade) offerings visit: www.youth.charlottewp.psapp.dev/nineracademy
What academic topics are covered in your camps?
Some of our camps, such as Robotics and Electronics, focus on a specific academic discipline. The majority of our camps, however, are designed as integrated and cross-disciplinary. Our Camp Instructors, particularly for Cool School and 49er Minors are experienced K-12 licensed teachers who are skilled at integrating language arts, math, science, social studies, and other disciplines into their lessons and Camps on Campus gives them the creative freedom to adapt those lessons into hands-on, interactive activities. Our instructors are also experienced in adapting the curriculum to a wide range of grade levels and skill and ability levels.
Our advanced campers will be challenged and our novice campers will get the support they need. To best serve both new and returning campers, we try to maintain a mix of repeated camp topics AND brand new topics for our campers and their families to explore.
I am interested in athletic camps, does UNC Charlotte offer those?
Available athletic camps are currently offered through the Athletic Department. Information can be found at www.charlotte49ers.com.
Preparing for Camp
Access your Camp Documents
The following camp documents will be available in our NEW Camp App. Join our Parent Orientation and be on the lookout for more information regarding this exciting addition! These documents include:
- Camp agenda/activities/classroom locations
- Dash placard (print for camper pick-up)
- Maps to classrooms and parking
- Instructor’s Blog
- Photos from the classroom throughout the week
- And more!
Contact us
Need to get in touch with our camp staff?
Do you have a question regarding logistics?
Camps on Campus is a mobile program meaning the staff directly supervising campers typically are not in an office during the day with a landline phone. Additionally, cell service on campus is not always reliable in all campus locations. All counselors and professional staff are equipped with 2-way radios with constant connection to our main office.
For that reason, the best way to reach camp staff is through our Registration/Customer Service office in the School of Professional Studies. Those staff members are equipped with 2-way radios that immediately reach all camp staff or individual camp staff on the main campus.
Phone: 704-687-8900
Email: youthprograms@charlotte.edu (multiple people monitor this email account)
Need assistance with payment or registration?
Contact our Registration/Customer Service office by phone or email during the business hours of 8:00am-5:00pm
Phone: 704-687-8900
Email: ceregistration@charlotte.edu (multiple people monitor this email account)
Do you have questions that are specific to your child’s camp for the week?
Need to share a concern or important information?
We recommend contacting your instructor directly via email. You can find your instructor’s contact information in the guardian portal. Email addresses are located in the camp agenda for the week. We ask that you also copy our summer camp email at youthprograms@charlotte.edu to ensure our leadership staff is aware of your needs.
In the guardian portal you will also find our guardian tip sheet, directions, camp photos, camp blog, dash placard, and more!
Medical/Health/Learning Camper Information Updates
COVID-19 Information per UNC Charlotte Emergency Management Website: www.ninernationcares.charlottewp.psapp.dev/covid-19-information
All medications and conditions affecting the camper (either medical or learning-based) should be documented so that we can provide the best experience for each camper.
All medicines must remain with the camper at all times. Throughout the day, the camper may be with one counselor or another and we want to ensure that no matter which adult is accompanying the camper, that they have access to the medicine. All adults assigned to a particular camp have documentation and instructions provided by the family.
If you have updates for the camper’s profile, please call 704-687-8900 to have that updated prior to camp.
Tips for Guardians
- Go over the Niner Character Promise with your camper and be sure they know expectations and consequences.
- Be on time for drop-off and pick-up.
- Communicate camp information with other designated adults/family members.
- Be accessible by phone (incoming #s from camp staff may vary).
- Communicate the needs of your camper on the camp application (call 704-687-8900 or email youthprograms@charlotte.edu with updates).
- Label all belongings and leave valuables not needed for camp at home.
- Be sure the camper is registered under CAMPER name; not parent name. If you registered online, some parents list their own name on the profile and that is the name that will appear on our roster. Contact us prior to camp if you are unsure.
- Remember to pay remaining balances at least two weeks (14 days) prior to each camp to retain your registration. No exceptions can be made.
- Check your Online Resources prior to each camp. If you registered via a family account, keep an eye on your email and spam box 7 and 3 days prior to camp for a link to these resources.
- View Registered Camper Information for additional resources.Download LiveSafe — a free, downloadable app that provides communication channels to Police and Public Safety and links to emergency contacts and evacuation plans.
What to Wear/Bring
- Comfortable Clothing
- Athletic Shoes or sandals with backs
- Refillable water bottle (with name)
- Snacks (no nuts)
- Lunch bag (with name if your camper is bringing their lunch)
- Backpack/bag
- Umbrella/rain gear
- Change of clothes (for younger campers)
- Medications/EpiPen if applicable (remains with camper)
- Positive Attitude
Camper Drop-Off & Pick-Up Information
Location, Times & Procedures
Drop-off Hours: (7:30am-8:40am) *Campers depart for classrooms promptly at 8:45am by foot*
Pick-up Hours: (4:15pm-5:30pm) *Starting at 5:35pm, there will be an additional supervision charge of $2.50/minute*
Cool School, 49er Minor, & Coding Camps
Science Building
Lot 16 Address: 9305 POPLAR TERRACE DR, Charlotte NC 28223
Please note: Niner Academy drop off and pick up are at a separate location. Visit www.youth.charlottewp.psapp.dev/nineracademy for more information.
AM Carpool Procedures
- Upon Arrival, there will be camp staff greeting campers.
- Staff will check-in camper and provide a name-tag with their camp name.
- Campers will be outdoors with counselors until 8:40 am with recreational equipment of their choice. We will be located indoors for inclement weather.
- At 8:40 am—counselors will circle up with their campers for introductions and camp expectations.
- At 8:45 am—counselors depart on foot to their classrooms (vans will drive campers if raining).
PM Carpool Procedures
- All vehicles must display a Camps on Campus dash placard (Available in your Online Materials). Print should be large and bold enough to be easily read by our staff. Staff will call your campers name over the radio.
- If you do not have your Camps on Campus dash placard you will be asked to show your ID before being allowed to pick up your child. This process allows us to ensure that every child is going home with the right person.
- Please view our carpool drive along video located in your online materials to review our carpool procedures prior to your first day of camp.
Walk-up Check Out Procedures
- Please bring your Camps on Campus dash placard with you.
- There will be a member of staff dedicated to assisting those that choose to walk up and check out their campers. Staff will be located on the sidewalk near the Science Building.
Carpool Reminders
- Please refrain from cell phone use (including hands-free). For the safety of the students and staff members moving between and around cars, we need 100% of your attention at all times.
- Please pay attention to the carpool workers and follow their instructions. They are working to keep the carpool line moving in a safe and efficient manner. They require your participation and cooperation.
- We will not begin pick up until 4:15pm; please DO NOT arrive before that time as it will cause a traffic back-up. We recommend arriving at 4:30pm or later for little to no wait time.
- When you arrive, please enter Lot 16 and form a single line behind the stop sign as pictured below.

Late Drop-Off & Early Pick-Up
If Arriving Late (after 8:45am)
- Continue to visitor parking deck nearest your classroom building (Union Deck for most camps; CRI Deck for Robotics).
- Parking fee of $1 begins after 15 minutes but classrooms are typically close enough to avoid charges.
Our rule of three requires guardians (or other authorized adults) to park and walk their camper to the classroom. Minors are not allowed to be unaccompanied on UNC Charlotte’s campus. Staff are not permitted to be one-on-one with campers at any time. Our staff will be en route or at the classroom location after 8:45 am. Mondays may be an exception as we try to give a 5-10 minute grace period for first time arrivals. You can find your camper’s classroom location on the camp agenda shared in the online materials.
If Picking Up Early (before 4:00pm)
- Planned Early Pickups prior to 4:00pm must be at least one day in advance. Please complete the Google Form for our staff to receive communication.
- For Same Day or Emergency early pickups, please notify us at youthprograms@charlotte.edu and call 704-687-8900 prior to 4:00pm.
- Camp instructional time is from 9:00am-4:00pm. Between 4:00pm-4:15pm campers will be en route to the pickup location.
- If picking up from the classroom, please be sure to check out no later than 3:30pm for early pick-up. Classroom and parking locations will be provided to guardians with their camper’s online resources in advance.
- Bring your dash placard as the quickest form of secure check-out. You will be asked for identification if you forget your dash placard.
Camps on Campus Information & Policies
Reasonable and appropriate accommodations will be made available upon request for persons with disabilities. Accommodation requests must be specifically relayed at least two weeks prior to the start of the program.
You must notify both the School of Professional Studies and the UNC Charlotte Office of Disability Services with accommodation requests and notify them of your status as a Continuing Education student.
School of Professional Studies Contact: The Registration Center
Email: ceregistration@charlotte.edu
Phone: 704-687-8900
Disability Services Contact: Kristin Kolin
Email: kjkolin@charlotte.edu
Phone: 704-687-0039
When calling the Office of Disability Services, please indicate the continuing education course you are taking.
For evacuation information, please visit the Disabilities Services website.
UNC Charlotte’s Camps on Campus is committed to offering a safe educational environment for all campers, including campers with food allergies. Food allergies can be life threatening. Please refrain from your camper bringing anything with nuts or containing nut-derived ingredients. This includes the purchase, during camps, of any items containing nuts.
Niner Character Promise
Camps on Campus seeks to foster an inclusive, positive, learning and social environment for our campers. Through our new Niner Character Promise, and with the help of our camp families, we seek to educate our campers prior to their camp experience about the expectations we have regarding camper conduct and attitude while participating in Camps on Campus programs.
During the registration process, we will ask that families registering confirm that they will review the following Niner Character Promise with their camper prior to camp. We will also utilize and refer to the Promise during staff training and throughout the camps.
As a Camps on Campus Participant, I promise to:
- Treat my fellow campers and staff with kindness, respect, and cooperation in my words and actions at all times and NOT use bullying words or behavior or disrupt the camp experience of others (review all information on bullying and related consequences below).
- Seek help from camp counselors, instructors, or staff in resolving conflict especially if it is something I do not feel I can resolve on my own.
- Respect the property of the university buildings as well as other people’s property
- Notify my camp counselor, instructor, or staff immediately if I witness a violation of this Niner Character Promise.
Bullying vs. Teasing –from the American Camp Association
What are examples of unacceptable social cruelty at Camps on Campus:
- Teasing
- Exclusion
- Bullying
- Rumoring
- Ganging Up
Is teasing ever acceptable?
We recognize that when working with young people. teasing does not always equal bullying. Teasing may be acceptable when these elements are all present:
- Everyone gets an equal share of the teasing within the group (one person is not being ganged up on)
- People are not making fun of someone’s disability, ethnicity, faith, or other characteristics beyond the person’s control
- It is not repeated over and over again
- It is not meant to physically or emotionally harm in any way
- If you ask the person to stop the teasing, they will immediately
- The teasing comes from someone you are close to (close friend, family member)
How are violations of the Niner Character Promise handled?
Please refer to our behavior framework below for procedures that will be followed if a camper is observed or reported for breaking the Promise.

Payment Policies and Deadlines
Camp deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable and will hold your child’s space in the camp until 14 days before the start of the camp when the balance is due. If the remaining balance is not paid in full by the invoice deadline, your child’s seat in the camp will be canceled and offered to another camper on the waiting list.
In order to be fair to all our valued campers and parents, no exceptions can be made to this policy.
Payment refunds (except for the non-refundable deposit) will be made up to 14 days before the start of a camp for cancellations. After that time , no refunds can be made. When camps are full, we can put you on a waiting list. We occasionally have drops, so sometimes a space opens up in a “full” camp. Please be sure we have your current email address, so you will receive updates from us.
When making payments, parents will need to log into their account themselves. However, if assistance is needed, the registration team can assist with log in support.
2024 Camp Prices for Cool School and 49er Minors:
- $275/week for All Full Day Camps on Campus camps $100 nonrefundable, nontransferable deposit which will be put towards the registration fee.
- $395/week for Black Rocket partner coding camps. $100 nonrefundable, nontransferable deposit which will be put towards the registration fee.
2024 Camp Prices for Niner Academy:
- $275/week for All Full Day classes $100 nonrefundable, nontransferable deposit which will be put towards the registration fee.
- $395/week for Black Rocket partner coding classes (Rising 9th grade only). $100 nonrefundable, nontransferable deposit which will be put towards the registration fee.
- $145/series for Online Niner Academy Financial Literacy Course $50 nonrefundable, nontransferable deposit which will be put towards the registration fee.
- $995/cohort for Online Empower AI Course $250 nonrefundable, nontransferable deposit which will be put towards the registration fee.
2024 In Person Camps:
- Instructional time from 9:00am-4:00pm
- Extended supervised hours available from 7:30am – 8:45am and 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Camp deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable and will hold your child’s space in the camp until 14 days before the start of the camp when the balance is due. If the remaining balance is not paid in full by the invoice deadline, your child’s seat in the camp will be canceled and offered to another camper on the waiting list.
In order to be fair to all our valued campers and parents, no exceptions can be made to this policy.
Financial Assistance
We are thrilled to get the chance to provide financial assistance through our recent crowdfunding campaign. If you believe you qualify for financial assistance or are interested in learning more, please contact us at 704-687-8900 or youthprograms@charlotte.edu.
Please note:
- Classes and camps will fill up quickly. Your application will be considered in the order it was received.
- Please be advised that financial assistance provided through our crowdfunding campaign is contingent upon the funds raised. Applying does not guarantee that assistance will be granted.
- Applicants are selected on a first-come, first-served basis, as long as they meet the necessary qualifications outlined in our application.
- Open enrollment is also on a first-come, first-served basis. Applying does not hold your seat in a class or camp.
We appreciate your understanding of these terms and conditions.
Payment Plan Option: Explore the flexibility of our payment plan, empowering guardians to conveniently pay in installments. Enjoy the convenience of paying in increments, with the final amount due two weeks before the start of each camp/class week. Please keep in mind that payments will not be automatically drafted. Guardians will need to complete payment manually by each deadline.
External Opportunities: Various community-based organizations in the Charlotte area, including communities in schools and the Bruce Irons Foundation, have graciously sponsored individual participants in previous years.
Payment refunds (except for the non-refundable and non-transferable deposit) will be made up to 14 days before the start of a camp for cancellations. After that time , no refunds can be made. When camps are full, we can put you on a waiting list. We occasionally have drops, so sometimes a space opens up in a “full” camp. Please be sure we have your current email address, so you will receive updates from us.
Don’t miss your opportunity to register before seats begin to fill for your camp of choice.
- Online Registration will open to the public on January 24, 2024.
Save Time – Fill out Camper Safety and Medical Profile in Advance!
- You can get a head start on your camper’s registration by creating a family account, adding your campers, AND completing their emergency and medical information profile prior to registration.
- When you create your camper’s emergency and medical profile, you will be asked to provide required information to help us keep your child safe and healthy during their camp experience.
- This information includes emergency parent/guardian contacts, health concerns, and food allergies if applicable, medical contact information, date of birth, and any special needs or tips our Camps on Campus staff should know in order to keep your child safe and provide an effective learning environment. Please be prepared to provide this information during the registration process, as we will be unable to register a child without this.
Registration Options:
- Register online. This is the fastest, easiest registration option – no wait times and you can complete your camper online profile and emergency medical information prior to registration opening. Register by creating your family account and adding your campers before selecting courses.
- Register by phone by calling our Registration Center at 704-687-8900.
University Policy – for security reasons we CAN NOT accept credit card/debit payments by fax, email or mail.
You can choose to pay the entire amount now or to pay just the non-refundable deposit now. Full payment for each camp is due 14 days before the camp starts. Payments are NOT automatically drafted, please ensure you meet payment deadlines in order to keep your seat in the camp.
Waitlist Information
Participants with family accounts are not able to join a waitlist. Instead they must use the camper’s individual account. Also, due to limitations in our system, we are unable to enroll waitlisted participants through a family account. It must be done through the individual participant’s account. As a general rule, we provide 24 hours for participants to enroll in an open spot. Once the window passes, the spot will be given to the next participant on the waitlist. Please ensure we have updated email addresses on file in order to receive notifications from us. Please call our Registration Center at 704-687-8900 for further assistance.
Sick Child
One of our top priorities at Camps on Campus is safety and that includes preventing communicable illnesses between campers. If your camper has a communicable illness, please keep them home. If a camper is dropped off at camp and a communicable illness is suspected (symptoms may include a fever, pink eye, vomiting, diarrhea, head lice, etc.), you will be notified to pick up your camper immediately. Camps on Campus adheres to North Carolina state recommendations for childcare facilities that guardians (or other authorized adults) must pick up their sick camper within 30 minutes of notification. Campers may return to camp with a note from a physician approving the return. No full or partial refunds are available for incidences of illness including a positive COVID test the week of camp. Please see the Niner Nation Cares website at ninernationcares.charlottewp.psapp.dev as it serves as an information resource for students, faculty, staff and visitors to understand ways to stay safe on and off campus, along with health protocols in place on campus. This website is continually updated, and should be checked regularly.
Technology Policy
Studies have shown the social development benefits that take place when campers “unplug” from technology during their camp experience.
Camps on Campus understands the need for some of our campers to carry a mobile device with them for safety and security purposes. While we do allow the use of mobile devices during specific times, we discourage campers from bringing any valuables, including mobile devices. All our camp counselors have mobile phones and contact information of all parents and guardians and we can arrange for contact with your camper at any time.
If a camper does choose to bring a mobile device, we require that all campers adhere to the following technology guidelines as part of our Niner Character Promise.
- As with any valuable brought to camp, there is a risk assumed by the camper and their family of theft or damage to the device. In bringing a mobile device to camp, the camper and family assumes all liability.
- The mobile device may only be used by the camper during non-classroom hours/breaks such as lunch time and at drop-off/pick-up. If a camper needs to use their mobile device to contact a parent or for another emergency during classroom time, they must notify their camp counselor.
- If a camper is using a mobile device during classroom hours, the instructor or camp counselor has the authorization to hold the device until approved break times. Additionally, Instructors or staff have the discretion and authority to ask their campers to place devices in a centralized area in the classroom during instructional time.
Common Login/Payment Issues & Solutions
You will need to log into your account to make payments yourself. If you need assistance with login, please call the Registration Team at 704-687-8900 or email us at ceregistration@charlotte.edu. The Registration Team is available Monday – Friday from 8am-5pm.
Did I sign up for a family account or an individual account?
Under our Continuing Education site, be sure to try both log-ins.
What is my username?
Your username was emailed to you at the time your account was created. Please note:
- The username is not an email address
- Be aware that usernames are case-sensitive (lowercase) and space-sensitive
How do I reset my password? Can I be sent a password reset link?
Select the “Forgot Password” link on the login page and check both inbox and spam for the password reset email with the link (you must input your username). The password reset link expires after 15 minutes.
Where do I go in my account to find my invoices?
Student Account
Under the homepage of the account, click “Invoices” which can be found on the left side of the site.
Family Account
Under the homepage of the account, click “Account History” which can be found on the left side of the site.
Why am I getting a validation error when I check out?
- Laptops and desktops are more user-friendly for navigating the website versus phones
- Clear your browser history and cache/cookies
- Check that your camper’s Camper Safety/Medical Information has been filled out
- Check that the billing zip code matches the one under your card information (sometimes the computer will auto-fill this information incorrectly)
- Check for any spending limits on your card
- Check that your company is aware that a payment is being made on a purchasing card
- Check that your work computer does not have a firewall preventing you from continuing
Camps on Campus Disclaimers
Guardian Considerations
Please Note: For your camper’s safety and their overall educational experience at camp, it is necessary that they have the ability to converse in and understand English.
Please Note: Niner Academy and many 49er Minor camps are considered college-preparatory and/or career readiness camp programs for teens. Often through guest speakers, during field trips, and through class and peer-driven discussion, we may discuss societal and social issues. Campers’ opinions and perspectives may differ from those of their peers and/or guest speakers; we encourage open discussion during camp. We seek to establish a camp environment where all voices are heard and opinions are respected.
Please Note: We rely on guardian discretion to select camp topics that are best suited for their child individually. Be sure to consider your child’s interests, personality, and developmental level when choosing the right camp.
Please Note: We rely on guardian discretion for appropriate dress at camp. We ask that our participants dress in a way that allows them to engage in camp activities and remain safe while doing so. Please refrain from wearing discriminatory terms, logos, pictures, cartoons, or slogans. Specific dress requirements may occur depending on the camp activity. This will be communicated in advance to guardians by our instructors.